Fuengirola boasts one of the best Marinas in the Mediterranean; situated in the centre of the recently remodeled Sea promenade Rey de España, its location makes it one of the best spots on the Andalusian coast.
This special location allows both users and visitors all the facilities of this centric area, with many shops, restaurants and leisure activities situated just a few meters from the Marina.

The marina houses as well all necessary services related to preservation and maintenance of the boats berthed in its waters.
Information (in the port office), docking ramp, slipway service (Travelift 35 Tn, crane 6 Tn) (Fuengirola Slipway – Tel: 952 58 32 44) and mechanical shop, crane, fuel (petrol and gas oil), boat storage on land, sale of ice, weather information, shop for naval articles, bathroom and shower, public telephone, parking area, 24 hour seamen service, rubbish collection, fire fighting services, credit card, launderette.
Paseo Marítimo, Rey de España; 29640 FUENGIROLA
Latitude: 36º 32′ 30″ N;
Longitude: 4º – 37′ W
RADIO: Marine Band. Channel 9 VHF, 156.450
24 hours seamen service.
Crew Reception
Control Tower. Fuengirola Marina.
Timetable: 24 hours.
+34 95 246 80 00
Fax: 95 246 99 89
Access Features
Channel facing East.
Berths: three.
Number of dockings: 226 (50% in transit) from 8 to 20 metres.
Depth: 7 metres at the mouth and 3.5 at berths.
Port Captain:
+34 952 47 40 27
Yacht Club and Sailing and Diving School:
+34 952 47 04 06
Other Services:
- Chemist, supermarkets, post office, banks, taxi services and hotels 50 mts. away.
- Communication by train and bus with Malaga and national and international airport.