In Fuengirola the Patron’s festivities are celebrated on the 7th of August, in honor of San Cayetano, Patron Saint of the Castle and the little village that was beginning to develop around the so-called “INN” of Fuengirola.

During the festivities Fuengirola welcomes, as is usual in this village, all visitors, priding itself on its hospitality.
On the first day there is celebrated a mass in honor of the Patroness, the Virgen del Rosario, and at night the image is taken out in procession. This custom changed, in 1973, when a mass was said for the first time in honor of the Patroness in the Plaza de la Constitución and was accompanied by Flamenco singing.
The location of the Fairgrounds has changed over time, being at the Paseo de la Marina, Avda. de Mijas and Avda. Jesús Santos Rein, until the definitive installation at the present day Fair Enclosure, which was inaugurated in 1984 and is considered to be one of the best of Andalusia.
The peñas are the continuous heartbeat of the Fuengirola Fair. They were the protagonists of its growth, consolidation and acknowledgement outside the city.