Due to its geographical location, Esteponan cuisine is distinguished within the traditional offer of Andalusian cuisine by its clear preference for fresh sea produce.
The country- also influences its cuisine. Thus it is that we can confirm that some of the most typical dishes in Estepona are “country soup” representing the men who work the land, and “barbecued sardines” offered traditionally at the popular “moragas” held on the beach. Another typical Esteponan dish is tile-baked sardines, or “sardinas a la teja”.

Estepona’s cuisine undoubtedly offers a rich variety of local fish, amongst which, apart from the already mentioned and much prized sardine, we shall emphasize species like the Norway haddock and the forkberard, with a most exquisite flavor. The area’s prawns are also highly valued, as is the octopus, which is one of the most abundant species caught locally, not forgetting the highly esteemed red mullet.
All these “marine delicacies” may be savored whilst enjoying the healthy and popular custom of “tapaing” in the typical inns and taverns spread along the streets of the old town centre of Estepona and the Fisherman’s Port.