The name of this route comes from the innumerable raisin groves which are found along it, along the southern-facing slopes. The one-time inhabitants of the area, of islamic origin, left behind and immense cultural heritage, as reflected in the marvellous buildings found here: all of the villages found here date from the 16 th century, conserving parish churches with their respective minaret towers.

Also, Muslims undertook agricultural activity, which has been carried on until today. The area´s wine, produced by traditional methods, enjoys a reasonable reputation, particularly its Moscatel.
The route begins in Moclinejo, which many centuries ago was the battleground for the uprising against the Christian troops known as “the battle of la Axarquía”.
Following the route marked by the raisin groves, we arrive in Almáchar, the ideal spot to enjoy the local dish, Ajoblanco together with coles moreados and a good local wine.
El Borge, only 2.5 km from Almáchar was the centrepoint of resistance during the aforementioned Morisco uprising. The village´s rebel character is kept alive centuries later in the figure of Malaga´s most famous bandolero: El bizco del Borge.
Very close to the 1020 metres of el Pico Santopitar and under the gaze of La Maroma is situated Cútar, which apart from being distinguished for its grapes and raisins is also renowned for its oil.
Comares is known as the Balcony of la Axarquía for the splendid view it possesses: this gave the town an important strategic role. Its one-time castle still has two towers standing.
Finally Totalán, land of almond trees and vineyards, was the setting for a furtive invasion attempt by the Christian army, which attempted to launch a surprise attack on the Muslims along the Arroyo de Totalán, fresh after passing the Puerto de las Pedrizas.
The Muslim forces, forewarned, sought refuge in their fortesses and under the captaincy of “El Zagal” managed to defeat the surprised Christians.