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As you will discover below, there is a large number of Gastronomic Events in Malaga in September, the traditional harvest month.

These traditional gastronomic festivals are an excellent opportunity to discover the inland villages, their customs and people, and the local seasonal produce.

If you are in Malaga and the Costa del Sol in September, immerse yourself in some of these literally tasty experiences.

Gastronomic Events in Malaga in September

Grape Harvest Festival – Manilva

Grape Harvest Festival – Manilva

In case you didn´t know, the whole rural area around Estepona was once a very fertile land dedicated to the growth of grapes. In the easternmost municipality of the Costa del Sol, Manilva, this tradition is still alive.

Every year, during the first weekend of September the town celebrates the end of the grape harvest with lot s of activities, music, dancing, the traditional grape treading and free distribution of the first wine.

  • Where: Plaza de la Vendimia, Manilva
  • When: From 31 August to 1 September
  • How to get there

Anchovy Festival – Rincón de la Victoria

Anchovy Festival Rincón de la Victoria

This is one of the Star Gastronomic Events in Malaga in September: The festival dedicated to this typical delicacy of Malaga is one of the most popular gastronomic festivals. It takes place in Rincón de la Victoria and attracts every year a large number of visitors.

During five days the attendees can enjoy showcookings, conferences, musical performances, children’s activities and of course lots of fish.

The participating restaurants will prepare different dishes based on anchovies, of which more than 1,000 kilograms are distributed.

Festival Luna Mora – Guaro

Festival Luna Mora Guaro

Although this is not a typical gastronomic festival, we include the Luna Mora (Moorish Moon) Festival for its uniqueness.

The white village of Guaro, located in the foothills of Sierra de las Nieves, becomes a meeting point for Andalusian music and culture, paying homage to the Christian, Muslim and Sephardic coexistence that existed in the Middle Ages in this village.

The special thing about the event is that it starts place at dusk, when the old part of the town is illuminated exclusively by the light of more than 20,000 candles.

Attendees of this very popular event can enjoy Arabic-Andalusian-Sephardic music, a medieval souk of craftsmen, Moorish pastries and many other delicacies on stalls distributed throughout the streets.

Ajoblanco Festival – Almáchar

Ajoblanco Festival Almáchar

Every year on the first Saturday in September, the small village of Almáchar pays homage to an ancient almond-based recipe called Ajoblanco.

This delicacy of Arabic origin is traditionally served cold in the hot months. During the festival it is distributed free of charge to those attending, along with muscatel grapes, wine and sultanas.

Vineyard Festival – Moclinejo

Another municipality where the vineyard tradition is still alive is Moclinejo, a white village located in the Axarquia region.

Attendees can enjoy the traditional ‘pisa de la uva’ (grape treading). There will also be a large popular paella and of course there will be live music with the traditional ‘verdiales’ groups.

Grape Harvest Festival – Mollina

Every year the town of Mollina celebrates the end of the grape harvest with its Grape Harvest Festival.

Attendees can participate in the wine tasting with the Designation of Origin Malaga and Sierras de Malaga. There are also many additional activities such as an urban bike ride, a market of local artisan products, evening verbenas and the popular ribbon race on horseback.

Olive Festival – Alozaina

Olive Festival Alozaina

This village located in the foothills of Sierra de las Nieves pays tribute to the beginning of the olive harvest.

The manzanilla aloreña olive from Malaga is grown there, which is the star of the event. And there is no shortage of cold beer, cold meats and cheeses from the village.

Sultana Festival – La Viñuela

The village of La Viñuela in mid-September pays tribute to the muscatel sultana and Malaga wine.

Visitors can enjoy meat stews, local wines and sultanas. In addition, there are demonstrations of the tasks involved in its production, from the harvesting of the grapes, transfer, laying and drying in the raisin vats, to the crushing of the sultanas, sieving, packaging and treading of the muscatel grapes.

Sultana Day – El Borge

Another major sultana producer, the village of El Borge, also celebrates its star product on the same dates, usually on the third Sunday of September.

The event attracts thousands of visitors every year who can enjoy sultanas, gazpacho, muscatel wine, sausages and other typical products of the area. The event will be enlivened by ‘pandas de verdiales’ and ‘rocieros’ choirs.

Malaga Goat Festival – Casabermeja

Every year the municipality of Casabermeja pays tribute to its goat products with many activities for all ages.

Attendees will be able to taste dishes made with suckling goat meat and goat cheeses and there is also a market of cheeses and local products. There will also be children’s activities, guided tours of the town’s monuments, exhibitions and painting and music competitions, among others.

Almond Day – Almogía

Every last Sunday in September Almogía celebrates Almond Day, where visitors can enjoy tastings of chanfaina (traditional meat stew), cheese, almonds, desserts and local wines.

There will also be verdiales music and you can learn about the traditions surrounding the cultivation and processing of almonds.

Artisan Cheese Fair – Teba

Artisan Cheese Fair Teba

Every autumn, one of the most important cheese fairs in the country takes place in Teba.

Around 40 artisan cheese dairies from all over Spain and especially from Andalusia take part in the event.


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