The tourism councillor and Turespaña’s general manager both agreed that this event will generate over 2.000 business contacts.
The first international forum of Andalusian commercialisation will take place in Malaga with the aim to be the biggest event of one destination’s commercialisation in Spain. This encounter, that will create more than 2.000 business contacts, will gather 530 buyers from 42 countries and 205 Andalusian entrepreneurs in the Costa del Sol‘s capital, that will be selling their products in a workshop on the 26th and 27th. This new business and promotion system also includes ‘a la carte’ trips that will allow these professionals to experience the golf, sun and beach, culture, interior, businesses or language tourism. This action, with a budget of approximately 400.000 euros, is organised by the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Sport of Andalusian’s Government and Turespaña. The respective managers of these, Luciano Alonso and Antonio Bernabé, presented this initiative yesterday.

Alonso insisted that the established format adapts to the new ways of tourism and combines innovation, excellence and creativity, but also allows the development of the same business than in a large international fair with a lower cost. As far as Turespaña‘s director, Antonio Bernabé, is concerned, he considers that this event as the most important in Andalusia and in Spain and stated that these type of projects fit in with the new promotion strategy and have become one of the key factors in the positive evolution that Spanish tourism is registering.
This event starts on the 26th of October and ends on the 30th. The first two days are dedicated to commercial contacts and the development of a training day aimed to the professionals of the sector. After these two days of work, each buyer will be able to choose the product or destination that he/she prefers. This way, the participators can choose between ten ‘post tour‘ in the eight provinces that include sectors like sun and beaches, culture, languages, middle cities, interior and nature, congresses or golf.