Celebrated in the fishing districts of Malaga and other Andalusian towns, this festival pays homage to the Virgen del Carmen.An image of the Virgin is carried on a dais around the neighbourhoodbefore being placed on a boat covered with flowers, whichsails down the coast with an accompanying fleet. No fiestain Andalusia would be complete without the ritual partying,featuring plenty of traditional song and dance.
The origin of this saint is back to the Middle Ages in Carmelo mountain (Israel). In the year 1251 a very influent person from a religious order of The Carmelites, said he was visited by the Virgin Mary and by that time everyone believed. After the first Carmelite convent in France and its expansion in Spain, this legend accompanied this expansion along all the peninsule and South America. The name of Virgen del Carmen comes from being originated in Carmelo mountain.
Before the age of technology, sailors depended on the starsfor guidance, hence the religious analogy with the Holy Virginwho guides the faithful like a star in the ocean to the portof safety.
Today is a very important religous figure in Catholicism, specially in Spain where she is considered by the Church as protector of the fisherman.

Virgen del Carmen in July 16
In July 16, date of the celebration of this saint, boats are ornamented and the religious figure is translated from the local church for the procession on boat along the coast.
Fireworks at night in a show and many activites you can assist at any of the municipalities of Costa del Sol:
Virgen del Carmen in Marbella
Although Marbella’s glamorous present has little to do withits humble past, the Fiesta del Cármen is still celebratedevery year with a traditional procession. Cármen isthe patron saint of seafarers and the celebration dates backto when the town’s main source of revenue was the fishingindustry.
Every year on the 16 July the Vírgen delCármen is taken on a procession around the beach andthen paraded through the town.
Virgen del Carmen in Torremolinos
In La carihuela, a traditional fisherman district, the celebration takes a big importance and there are many activities during all the day. There are live concerts and a fair at Plaza del Remo.
The procession of the figure from the sea is from 10:30pm.
Virgen del Carmen in Fuengirola
The procession of the religious figure begins at 8:45pm and the itinerary is as follows:
Calle Iglesia ➔ Plaza del Carmen ➔Avenida de los Boliches ➔ Plaza de San Rafael ➔ Paseo Marítimo and entrance of the figure into the sea in the beach of Los Boliches.
The surrounding days there are events and games at the Fuengirola Fairgrounds.
Virgen del Carmen in Benalmadena
The procession will take place from Benalmadena Marina in the afternoon.
There are fireworks and many activities in the surrounding days, some of them are volley-beach and sailing contests.
Other municipalities and districts
The procession will take place in other municipalities and districts as well:
- El Palo
- Pedregalejo
- La Malagueta
- El Perchel
- Huelin