Malaga Fair
The fair in Malaga is known as ‘Feria de Agosto’ (August Fair) or simply ‘Feria de Malaga’ (Malaga Fair). The festival is held in the city as a reminder of when the Catholic Monarchs incorprated Malaga into the Castille Kingdom on 19th August 1487.
The Feria de Malaga usually lasts a week in 2018 is to be held from 11th to 19th August.
Holy Week in Malaga
Holy week is an important festival in the year for both Spain and Malaga alike.
Malaga is considered by many in the country one of the best places to see the Easter processions. The Processions start on Palm Sunday and continue throughout the week until Easter Sunday and been celebrated in the town for over 500 years.
Some of the religious figures carried in the processions can weigh more than 5,000 kg.
Main Verdiales Festival
This festival has been around for centuries and is classed as a ‘peasant’ music festival where groups of pandas (musicians and singers) come together to perform in groups and enjoy a festive atmosphere.
The biggest type of this festival in Malaga province is held in Villanueva de la Concepción, where it has been declared a festival of national tourist interest by the state government in 2001.

Winter Festivities
All different activities from music, theatre, cinema, music and sports are held at different venues throughout Malaga province from January to March.
Picasso October
Every year in October, the Picasso Foundation organises a series of events to commemorate the birth of Pablo Picasso, the famous international artist who was born in Malaga in October 1881.
Carnival in Malaga
Carnivals in Malaga are always celebrated in a special way.
Even through the event is not officially recognised as a public holiday, the groups tell jokes and there is performances of street bands.
Afterwards there is a parade of floats which goes through the main streets of the city.

May Crosses
The May Crosses festival has its origins as a pre-Christian celebration which marked the middle of springtime.
It was celebrated by decorating a tree trunk or by decorating a totem pole with flowers while doing ritual dances.
When the Christians adapted the festival the totem was changed with a cross.
Three Kings Parade in Malaga
In Malaga and throughout Spain many children and adults receive their ‘Christmas presents’ on Epiphany rather than on Christmas Day (however some Spanish receive presents on both days).
On the night before epiphany there is a parade of the floats with the Three Kings (Melchor, Gaspar and Baltstar) who throw sweets to the crowd of people who line the streets.
Malaga Patron Saint day and Festival
June 18th is an important date in Malaga’s calendar because it honours the patron saints of the town (San Ciriaco and Santa Paula) which is celebrated with a religious service at the Santos Mártires.
In 1548 a chapel was built in their honour by the Catholic Monarchs.

Corpus Christi
The aim of this religious festival and procession is to raise and proclaim the presence of Jesus Christ.
Although since 1989 it has not been classed as a bank holiday in the Malaga area (it is however a local holiday in other regions of Spain including the provinces of Granada and Sevilla).
The celebration of Corpus Christi is usually held 60 days after Easter Sunday.
San Juan Night in Malaga
San Juan celebrations are held on the night of 23rd June throughout Spain.
It is especially on the beaches and on the Coastal Towns of Malaga Province.
Bonfires are held on the beach, San Juan has many traditions and rituals, which include if you swim in the sea on the night of the celebration you, ensure good health for the rest of the year.
Maritime procession of the Virgen del Carmen
The Virgen del Carmen celebrations take place every year on the 16th June in Malaga.
The procession consits of people carry the image of Virgen del Carmen throughout the fishing neighbourhoods of Malaga City.
In the final stage of the celebrations the Virgen is decorated with flowers and taken in the sea with a convoy of small boats.
Procession of the Virgen de la Victoria
The Virgen de la Victoria was declared as Malaga’s patron saint in 1867. On the 8th September there is a bank holiday held in honour of the saint in the Malaga area.
A heavy religious figure is usually carried in a procession from the Cathedral to the Victoria Sanctuary.
Book Fair of Malaga
The Book Festival in Malaga is held in the Alameda Park near the Town Hall and the Port area.
It is usually held in the first week of June and offers a wide range of activities to do with the book world.

Annual Spanish Film Festival
The Spanish Film Festival in Malaga is a yearly event held every year in Malaga.
The Film Festival’s aim is to promote spanish cinema, with debates and forums. Every year since 1998 receives great interest from both National and International media.
The events of the festival are held at the Cervantes Theatre, Echegaray Theatre, Albeniz Cinema, Picasso Museum, the Vice-Chancellors Office of Malaga University, and the Malaga Palacio Hotel.