El Candado Beach
Very elegant and delimited by two dikes. It is very good for go with the whole family since it offers several services. It possesses nice sights to the rest of the coast and to the contiguous urban developments.
It is necessary to emphasize the rocky funds that it has, that it will please on which they practise the diving. This beach has a park for childrens, beach umbrellas and hammocks, showers, parking. You can practice here windsurfing, sailing, fishing and diving and basketball.
Type: City Beach
Size: Small (550 m)
Average width: 20 m
Type surface: Fine gray sand.
Surge: Moderate
El Palo Beach
It is of emphasizing that the king of sports in this zone is the fishing with a cane, prove is the speciality of the Bar El Normal: the fish from the cane.
This beach has a handicapped persons facilities, beach umbrellas and hammocks, showers, parking.
Type: City Beach
Size: Medium (1800 m)
Average width: 25 m
Type surface: Fine gray sand.
Surge: Moderate
Las Acacias Beach
The Las Acacias Beach is a succession of familiar beaches, delimited by dikes in the shape of a U is equipped with good restaurants where the speciality is the fried “pescadito” .
This beach has a handicapped persons facilities, beach umbrellas and hammocks, showers, parking and a park for childrens. You can practice here fishing.
Type: City Beach
Size: Medium (1200 m)
Average width: 20 m
Type surface: Middle gray sand.
Surge: Moderate
Baños del Carmen Beach
Not so much recommended beach, since it accumulates many dirt and is full of stones and garbage. In the walls of the dikes there is all kinds of painting.
The only restaurant that it possesses, is average destroyed and the car park is small. This beach has a parking and a wooded park. You can practice here fishing.
Type: City Beach
Size: Small (320 m)
Average width: 15 m
Type surface: Middle gray sand.
Surge: Moderate
Caleta Beach
The Caleta Beach is though a beach of a great city, the beach is very elegant and well equipped for the whole family. The access to the beach is not very complicated since you have several ways to access the beach. It has a nice view to the dikes of the port of Malaga, and to the rest of the nice and beautifull coast.
This beach has a handicapped persons facilities, showers, beach umbrellas and hammocks. You can practice here fishing and surfing.
Type: City Beach
Size: Medium (1400 m)
Average width: 25 m
Type surface: Middle gray sand.
Surge: Moderate
La Malagueta Beach
Malagueta beach is an artificial beach; they created it bringing sand from the Sahara and it is surrounded by a small dike that avoids to be eaten by the sea. In exchange it possesses a good zone to practise some sport like mounting bike, jogging, or simply to walk. It is a familiar beach which is usual for the persons from Malaga to come here, since it is in the middle of the city.
This beach has a handicapped persons facilities, showers, beach umbrellas and hammocks. You can practice here mounting bike and jogging.
Type: City Beach
Size: Medium (1200 m)
Average width: 45 m
Type surface: Middle gray sand.
Surge: Moderate
San Andres Beach
The San Andres beach is a beach placed to the outskirts of Malaga, in full industrial zone and peripheral quarters.
This beach has a handicapped persons facilities and showers. You can practice here fishing, play with kites, windsurfing and sailing.
Type: City Beach
Size: Big (2800 m)
Average width: 30 m
Type surface: Middle gray sand.
Surge: Moderate
La Misericordia Beach
The La Misericordia Beach it is ideal to practise any kind of sport in the sand. Also it possesses the Breakwater of the thermal one, in which it is possible to throw the fishing line and to go fishing.
This beach has a parking and showers. You can practice here fishing, windsurfing and sailing and many different beach sports.
Type: City Beach
Size: Big (1200 m)
Average width: 30 m
Type surface: Middle gray sand.
Surge: Moderate